Chaos to Order – helping over 100 people with hoarding issues

Chaos to Order - helping over 100 people with hoarding issues

Clouds End has been working with Birmingham City Council on a two year project called Chaos to Order to help over 100 people with hoarding issues in Birmingham. One of our clients involved in the project, ‘L’ is sharing his story on his progress. Watch him describe, in his own words, how he has been supported by the project.   L first asked for help and reported difficulties in getting around his house due to his hoarding behaviour to his social worker – “it’s getting rather crowded here and I’ve got no room to move” – who then referred him

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Edwin’s Story

Edwin's Story

Edwin has always lived in Northfield, Birmingham. Edwin grew up to become a mental health nurse. He lived with his parents and his sister.  Eventually his sister moved to the USA.  Over the years, his dad and then his mum passed away.  Left to live alone, Edwin struggled to cope. He suffered mental health problems. He turned to alcohol and gambling and fell into financial difficulties. He couldn’t pay his bills and 7 years ago his electricity and gas were cut off.  Edwin felt too ashamed to reach out for help. He ate hot food at the Sainsbury’s cafe. He

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Mrs S

Mrs S

Mrs S came to one of our support groups very anxious and ashamed as many are when they first arrive. She participated in all the exercises and practised mindfulness, this helped her to have more mental clarity and to learn to listen to her self-talk. She tried the suggestions made in group of just doing 10 minutes per day using a timer. She cleared her kitchen using this method. Slowly but surely she continued through her home until it was completely clear. She has now redecorated and spoken publicly about her experiences on TV, radio and other venues. Read her story here.​

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Mr T

Mr T

Mr T had mild learning disabilities, he worked in a charity shop which he enjoyed but it encouraged him to bring home perhaps more than he needed. Over a period of years he had filled most of the space in his 1 bed flat. After several months of gentle persuasion and discussions with his social worker he agreed he felt strong enough to face a “managed clear” with Heather. He actually enjoyed the experience and was happy to make a video for others about his experience.

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Miss A

Miss A lived alone in a single flat which had become hoarded over at least 10 years. She had started hoarding because her best friend, who lived in a similar flat, was murdered in her own home. Miss A didn’t realise that this was the trigger but came to understand it during working with Heather. Before Heather started working with her she had experienced two enforced clears which had made her more anxious and she had lost precious items and family photos. ​ Working one to one over the period of 1 year they cleared her home which meant she

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Miss S

Miss S was a mother of 2 young children who, at the time of referral, had been removed from the property as it was deemed unfit for them to live in. ​ Miss S was very anxious and very ashamed and very frightened but was also very amenable to help. She had experienced 2 enforced clears prior to the removal of her children which had only made her hoard more. Every room in the house was very full but mostly with toys and clothes for the children. ​ By working one to one over 9 months Heather helped Miss S

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