It’s our 15th birthday!

On the 9th of December 2009 Clouds End CIC was officially born and became the first social enterprise in the UK to support individuals with Hoarding Disorder, set up by our wonderful director Heather Matuozzo after she realised there were no support networks already existing for those with the condition.

Heather on her journey to developing our CIC

In the early 2000’s I was working as a de-clutterer and was invited to work with a lady whose children had been removed due to the house being hoarded.
After working together for 9 months, I realised how emotionally invested I was in understanding the person behind the hoard and knew this was a field I wanted to continue exploring further. It became evident that individuals with hoarding behaviour needed more specialised support so I looked high and low for a company who I could work with… and found nothing. So that’s when Clouds End CIC was born in 2009 and became the first social enterprise to work with people who hoard in the UK. I haven’t stopped my own learning, supporting individuals and providing education since.

Looking back, I started to realise that I had grown up with close relatives who hoarded, who I had spent so much of my time with as a child by choice.
I believe this is why it has never phased me when supporting professionally, hoarding disorder is a common behaviour ( and normal in my eyes ).

Those who suffer need to be supported by individuals who look past the items, seeing the person and understanding whatever life event has lead them to develop the behaviour. I strive to provide the support I would have wanted for my own relatives, had something been around back then.

15 years of supporting clients

Our support services have grown from strength to strength over the years, working not only with clients but the various organisations also involved with their care to help them regain control of their homes. In 2019 this hard work was recognised and we gained funding from Birmingham city Council to start our ongoing Chaos to Order project which supports clients via a multi-agency person centred approach.

14 years of educating professionals

Heather developed the first Hoarding Awareness Training course for Sandwell Homes in 2010, and since then, she and the team have continued to train all over the UK, with the aim of spreading awareness and understanding around hoarding behaviours and empowering any professionals who work closely with hoarding clients. Clouds End Training Ltd was officially launched in 2020 and we became the first organisation to offer CPD Accredited Hoarding Awareness training in England.

Over the years the team has grown to include more incredible professionals who work within in housing, psychology, mental health, holistic practices, fire and more, which allows us to better support clients as well as keep offering more services and training to professional organisations. 

We continually utilise the teams daily experiences, working directly with clients, leading government funded projects and undertaking PhD research, to ensure the content is up to date, relevant and ahead of the needs of the organisations that take part in the sessions. 

Main sponsor of National Hoarding Awareness Week

Clouds End CIC are also the proud main sponsor of National Hoarding Awareness Week, we were part of the team that devised it in 2014 and now continue hosting the event annually by providing free information and workshops for anyone who wishes to join us in raising awareness nationally and across the globe!

Here’s to another 15 years..

It has been an incredible 15 years, not only for us, but the industry as a whole, more and more research is being done, professional organisations are prioritising education on the subject and it is starting to be recognised as a mental health condition first and foremost. 

Here’s to another 15 years of doing what we do best, supporting those who need it most and educating the rest!

A shoutout to our incredible team

Without all of these incredible faces, Clouds End would cease to exist, we are eternally grateful for each and every thing they do to help us continue supporting clients, training professionals and raising awareness.


Heather Matuozzo

Director of Clouds End CIC & Training Ltd

Sharon Mcloughlin - Clouds End

Sharon McLoughlin

ASB, Housing & Hoarding Support specialist

Mentor & Trainer for Clouds End CIC & Training Ltd

Sam Wainman - Clouds End

Sam Wainman

PhD Research Psychologist at The University of Birmingham

Hoarding Disorder psychological researcher and trainer for Clouds End CIC & Training Ltd

Christine Searle

Hoarding Co-ordinator for the Chaos to Order Project

Zoe Dixon

Hoarding Co-ordinator for the Chaos to Order Project

Kayley Hyman - Clouds End

Kayley Hyman

Director of Holistic Hoarding

Associate trainer for Clouds End Training Ltd

Alan Swift

Retired Firefighter and director of New Horizons Clearances

Associate Trainer for Clouds End Training Ltd


Alessia Matuozzo

Administrator for the Chaos to Order Project

Kirsty Wilson

Marketing & Training support for Clouds End CIC & Training Ltd

Nate Sheridan

Website & technical project support for Clouds End CIC & Training Ltd

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